Code of Conduct for Walk For Life NorthWest

When joining us for the Walk For Life NorthWest on the streets of Spokane, WA, it is important to follow our code of conduct. Please remember, the Walk for Life NorthWest is a peaceful march through Spokane. Please be 100% peaceful at all times! Thank you for your cooperation to make the Walk For Life NorthWest the wonderful event that it is!

If a protestor is verbally or physically threatening, find a Walk for Life NorthWest security team member (in an orange vest) or a Spokane police officer to assist you.

Do not speak to protestors.

Do not look or stare at protestors.

Do NOT threaten protestors.

Do NOT get close to protestors.

Do not reply to protestors – EVER.


Obey the Spokane Police at all times.

To maintain the peaceful and prayerful attitude of the Walk, please DO NOT bring any GRAPHIC IMAGES OF ABORTIONS to the Walk.

Stay with your group and walk in tight formation.

Please be aware of your surroundings at all times and stay out of traffic! Stay off the streets and use the sidewalks.

Please do not leave trash or signs on the grounds when the WALK is over. We should treat the City of Spokane with dignity and respect. If trash bins are full, please carry your trash or sign with you until you find an available trash bin.

Please be respectful of all people and stay focused on the cause of promoting and celebrating life, lovingly and graciously.